Pattern day trader rule multiple accounts
If you have $25,000 or less in your trading account, you will trigger Pattern Day Trader Rules. This amount (any amount over $25,000) has to be deposited in the account before one starts trading. This amount has to remain in the account when you trade and it has to be left in the account for two business days after you close your final trade. Once you trigger the pattern day trader rule, FINRA requires the broker-dealer to impose special margin requirements on your trading account. Under the rules, a pattern day trader must maintain minimum equity of $25,000 for any day that they wish to day trade. If you’re going to be a day trader, one of the most important things you need to understand in the stock market world is the pattern day trader rule. The pattern day trader rule can have a major effect on what happens in your trading account, and whether or not you can continue to trade for that matter. Keep in mind, that the pattern day trader rule is important for all day trading strategies. However, most swing trading strategies can be traded without triggering the pattern day trader rule.